
Experiment: Xerox Accelerated Mania Syndrome.

Source: QuickLol
Also known as exams. The most terrifying period of the year for students and everyone else who’s got to go through a series of examinations in order to prove their worth. An undying custom of torturing the brave. That time of our lives when all we have to do is think of a way to master everything in a short amount of time. Or maybe, just revise all of our knowledge.

Call it whatever, for I will call it a plague that’s still spreading, ravaging our souls and inflicting despair with each fallen victim. By day, it gains an enormous advantage as it crawls out of its fearsome hiding place and jinxes everyone getting in its way. It will eat us alive, I dare say. So, run for your lives!

Of course, this is just a joke.
Why did I choose to start my post like this? Most likely, it’s the only thing that my brain can think of right now, as I’m still fighting my way out of the exam session – the most terrifying experiment that grown-ups decided to make their inexperienced fellows go through. Though, it’s all part of the learning process.
Anyway, I suppose pretty much everyone is going through the same thing as I am: can’t really concentrate on the subject. I’d do anything except for revising. And my bad habit of getting easily distracted isn’t helping me either. What is even worse, I’ll soon have guests and that means I’ll lose some precious study time, since I have to greet them and spend time with them. However, I will count that as a reward for my hard work up until now.
On the one hand, I can hardly wait to get rid of all this stress, but on the other hand, I know that once I pass through the next gate, I’ll end up facing something even more difficult, and this scares me even more. Sometimes, I just want to be able to stop time and eventually sleep, since lately I didn’t manage to get enough sleep.
Source: Tumblr
I’m looking at the time and it terrifies me. One moment it’s 5 pm, the next is 8. Now it’s Saturday, the next moment I blink, it’s Sunday. The exam is right around the corner, waiting for me to come and finally challenge it to a life and death battle. I can already see myself sitting in the second row, nervously holding the pen into my right hand and staring blankly at the paper, trying to figure out what to write first.
My hand is frozen and my thoughts are flowing, revealing all of my knowledge to my inner self. And then, I know. I start scribbling down whatever and when I look at the clock at the front of the classroom, I can see it yelling back and forth “You’ve only got five minutes left. Hurry up and finish your papers!”. Scary.
Right now, I’d rather fight a dragon. At least I can hop up on his back and fly it away.
But that is impossible.
All I want to do is play around with everything I enjoy, yet all this stress caused by the exams is making me lose (sometimes) even my appetite for writing. My mind just refuses to gauge out good ideas and I am displeased with everything I’m writing down.
Well, most of the things I am writing down.
Before I left, maybe you noticed that I have made some changes to my template. Recently, I re-discovered how much I enjoy messing around with html-codes. And so, my next adventure is soon to begin.
And since I can stay no more, I’ll say tootles, jump on my imaginary dragon and fly off to conquering some foreign ground.
Source: Tumblr
Exams are standing by,
                                       waiting patiently for their next prey.

B E W A R E !

4 thoughts on “E.X.A.M.

  1. Good luck with exams!! They always used to stress me out and get the best of me in law school… especially because in law school my entire grade for the semester depending on the final exam… it was a torturous time! But you got this girl!!


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